艾尔斯伯里学院代写作业: 两种理论作为知识的关键

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艾尔斯伯里学院代写作业: 两种理论作为知识的关键

知识与自然科学有密切的关系,自从人类开始发现自然灾害和过程的答案,例如“科学”一词来源于拉丁词:科学知识[ 2 ]。当然,科学的词源来自过去的文明的事实揭示了科学的非常古老的存在为获取知识的途径。自然科学是遵循科学方法的事实的汇编,而在几句话是一系列的步骤,以确定是否一个假设或想法是真或假。例如,在我的一篇大文章,我的假设是确定是否有鱼的水培系统比化学水系统更有效。为了得到回答我的假设,我做了一个实验比较,水培系统决定哪一个增长快。在我做的实验,我用科学的方法和通过我确定鱼的水培系统优于另一种结果的观察与分析。当然,为了消除我的项目中的任何不确定性的来源,我必须证明这一点,但不只是通过分析的结果也通过使用一些方法,如推理和感觉感知。这个例子的重点是表明,一个自然科学问题的研究,考试和观察,开始作为一个疑问,帮助我们了解知识。在我看来,自然科学是一个汇编这“知道”得到整个经验和自然原因的应用方法,可以根据不同的浏览器,但它总是会归结为自然现象。对我来说,在自然科学的怀疑是一个假设,主要取决于观察一个实验证明,是知识。一个用来依靠自己的信念和真理的人的一个例子,他的研究和调查的大部分是Charles Darwin。他认为,让巴普蒂斯特德拉马克的进化论,认为无用的器官或身体部分的有机体也自动消失如果这些都没有使用一段时间,既没有科学背景和观察依靠[ 3 ]。Charles Darwin从来没有相信这一理论,他对这一理论的确定性,由于这样的事实,没有存在的证据支持它。这个人有决心进一步采取他的怀疑,通过做一个假设,观察,最后一个结论。他在研究结束时,他完全证明了浸德拉马克的理论是完全错误的,创造了最广为接受的进化论,达尔文的进化论,这是广泛的概念,所有的生命都是相关的,从一个共同祖先的后代[ 4 ]。但是,假设从哪里来呢?这个问题的答案是怀疑。没有必要成为一个天文学家或科学家来产生一个假设,做一个事实,每个人都有一个理由,每个人都曾在一段时间有一些物质的好奇心。

艾尔斯伯里学院代写作业: 两种理论作为知识的关键

Knowledge and natural sciences are closely related since mankind started to find out answers to natural disasters and processes, for example the word science comes from the Latin word for knowledge: scientia [2] . Certainly, the mere fact that science's etymology comes from a past civilization reveals the very ancient existence of science as a way to obtain knowledge. Natural Science is the compilation of facts that followed the scientific method, which in few words is a series of steps to determine whether a hypothesis or idea is true or false. For example, in my extended essay my hypothesis was to determine if a hydroponic system with fish is more effective than a hydroponic system with chemicals. In order to obtain the answer to my hypothesis, I made an experiment comparing both hydroponic systems by determining which one grew faster. After I made the experiment, I used the scientific method and through observation and analysis of the results I determined that the hydroponic system with fish was better than the other one. Certainly in order to eliminate any source of uncertainty in my project I had to prove it, but not just by analyzing the results also by using some ways of knowing like reasoning and sense perception. The point of this example is to demonstrate that the study, examination and observation of a natural science issue that starts as a doubt, helps us to find out knowledge. In my opinion natural science is a compilation of this "knowing" gained throughout experiences and applied methods of natural causes that may vary according to the explorer, yet it will always be catalogued as natural phenomena. For me in natural science doubts are hypothesis which mostly depend on observation of an experiment to demonstrate that is knowledge. An example of a man that used to rely on his believes and truths most of his researches and investigations is Charles Darwin. He believed that Jean Baptiste de Lamarck's theory of evolution, which stated that useless organs or body parts from an organism vanished automatically if these were not used for a certain period of time, had neither scientific background nor observations to rely on [3] . Charles Darwin never believed this theory and has his doubt about the certainty of this theory due to the fact that there was no existence of a proof to support it. This man had the determination to take his doubts even further, by making a hypothesis, observing, and finally a conclusion. At the end of his researches, he completely proved that Baptist de Lamarck's theory was completely wrong and created the most accepted evolution theory, Darwin's theory of evolution, which is the widely held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor [4] . However, where do hypothesis come from? The answer to this question is doubt. It's not necessary to be an astronomer or scientist to generate a hypothesis, do to the fact that everyone has a rationale, and everyone once in a while has curiosity for some matter.

