
8年前 432次浏览 美国纽约论文代写:消费群体已关闭评论

虽然CE可能被视为一种手段,区分消费群体喜欢国内国外产品(哈迪et al .,2001),对购买意愿的影响国内产品(12)可能技术/经济发达和发展中国家之间的不同。研究表明,发达国家的消费者倾向于认为国内产品的质量高于进口产品(Damanpour,1993;迪克森,1993;埃利奥特·卡梅隆,1994;Herche,1992;Morganosky Lazarde,1987)而相反的是对发展中国家的消费者(Agbonifoh Elimimian,1999;巴特拉et al .,2000;弓和福特,1993;Sklair,1994;王et al .,2000)。考虑到消费者的评价国产/进口产品的质量将影响他们的购买偏好,民族优越感对购买意愿的影响将发展中国家和发达国家之间的不同。这种差异将更加明显,当进口与炫耀性消费(CC),作为发展中国家的消费者往往认为外国产品地位的象征(奥尔登et al .,1999;巴特拉et al .,2000;蒙古包et al .,1993;Marcoux et al .,1997;梅森,1981)。特别是,我们相信,愿意购买产品CE的负面影响从发达国家进口的积极影响将与这些进口的品牌形象。换句话说,功能(感知产品质量)和符号(CC)的好处,消费者期望从进口产品将抵消他们的种族中心主义的影响。


While CE may be regarded as a means by which to differentiate between consumer groups who prefer domestic to foreign products (Huddleston et al., 2001), its influence on Willingness to Buy Domestic products (WBD) is likely to vary between technologically/economically-developed and developing countries. Research shows that consumers in developed countries tend to perceive domestic products as being of higher quality than imported products (Damanpour, 1993; Dickerson, 1982; Eliott and Cameron, 1994; Herche, 1992; Morganosky and Lazarde, 1987) whereas the reverse is true for consumers in developing countries (Agbonifoh and Elimimian, 1999; Batra et al., 2000; Bow and Ford, 1993; Sklair, 1994; Wang et al., 2000). Given that consumers' evaluation of the quality of domestic/imported products will influence their purchase preferences, the impact of ethnocentrism on willingness to buy will be different between developing and developed countries. This discrepancy will be more pronounced when the import is related to conspicuous consumption (CC), as consumers in developing countries often regard foreign products as status symbols (Alden et al., 1999; Batra et al., 2000; Ger et al., 1993; Marcoux et al., 1997; Mason, 1981). In particular, we believe that the negative effect of CE on willingness to buy products imported from developed countries will interact with the positive effect of such imports' brand image. In other words, the functional (perceived product quality) and symbolic (CC) benefits that consumers expect from imported products will counteract the influence of their ethnocentrism.

