report introduction怎么写 伟大的先驱者

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和所有伟大的先驱者一样,有多个独特的描述方式的真正天才迪卢柏:企业远见卓识,无与伦比的战略家,骄傲的爱国者,男人的领袖,印度建筑师的资本市场,股东利益的冠军。但角色迪卢柏珍视的最可能是印度最伟大的财富创造者。在一个生命周期,建造,从众所周知的,印度最大的私营企业。迪卢柏用很少的资金开始他的生意的Rs 14000(约300美元)。在三年半,他达到资本价值超过65000卢比。印度经济的依赖非常第一私人公司使其位置在全球财富500强的名单。迪路拜·安巴尼,他被称为父亲的印度股票市场。纺织工业的依赖非常有限的第一家公司是作为公共有限公司和启动小投资者投资并介绍印度证券交易所。

report introduction怎么写 伟大的先驱者

As with all great pioneers, there is more than one unique way of describing the true genius of Dhirubhai: The corporate visionary, the unmatched strategist, the proud patriot, the leader of men, the architect of India's capital markets, the champion of shareholder interest.But the role Dhirubhai cherished most was perhaps that of India's greatest wealth creator. In one lifetime, he built, starting from the proverbial scratch, India's largest private sector enterprise.Dhirubhai started his business with very little capital of Rs. 14,000 (approx US$ 300). Within three and a half decades, he reaches his capital worth of more than Rs 65,000 crore. Reliance is very 1st private company of Indian economy which make its position in Global fortune 500list.Dhirubhai Ambani, who known as father of Indian Share markets. Reliance Textile Industries Limited was very first company which came as public ltd and initiate the small investors to invest and introduce the Indian stock exchange.


