什么是论文 小企业竞争优势的战略管理

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“以后再也不会发生了,它被装箱”- Will Durant。因此,同样的竞争优势,它非常有形的,可以进行评估。在获得竞争优势时,为客户提供独特的利益,并取得卓越的经营效益,是非常重要的。

根据Michael Porter的竞争优势是所有关于竞争战略是采取进攻或防守行动创造一个行业的防御阵地,为了成功地应对竞争力量产生投资的高回报。在一个行业内的以上平均绩效的基础是可持续的竞争优势。竞争优势有两种基本类型,即成本领先(低成本)和差异化。这两种方法都可以更广泛的方法或狭隘的,这导致在第三个可行的竞争优势知道为重点。

"The future never just happened, it was crated" - Will Durant. So same goes to competitive advantage, it very tangible and can be evaluated. In attaining competitive advantage, very important to provide unique benefits for customer and achieve superior operational effectiveness.

According to the Michael Porter, competitive advantage is all about the competitive strategy is about taking offensives or defensives action to create a defendable position in an industry, in order to cope successfully with competitive forces and generate a superior return on investment. The basis of above average performance within an industry is sustainable competitive advantage. There are two basic types of competitive advantage which is cost leadership (low cost) and differentiation. Both can be more broadly approach or narrow, which result in the third viable competitive advantage know as focus.

Small Business Definition

There is a lot of small business definition out there. Refer to the Wikipedia define small business is a business that is privately owned and operated, with a small number of employees and relatively low volume of sales. Small business is normally privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorship.

Second definition is a company that employs fewer than 100 people and is usually a privately owned corporation. A small business is fuel local economic growth and innovation. (www.lohas.com, 2010).

The third definition can be described small business is a designation for certain statutory purposes referring to a firm, corporation or establishment having a small number of employees, low volume of scales, small amount of assets or limited impact on the market. (www.mmd.admin.state.mn.us/mn06008.htm, 2010)

Company Background

"Appreciating every child as an uncut precious jewel, it is our responsibility as parents and teachers to shape them into a beautiful form, pleasing to the eye of Allah". With that awareness, Dzul Iman Kindergarten is built to serve the ummah through excellent early childhood education. Since 2000, this kindergarten has developed its own researched propriety modules with proven ability to make a difference for the better in children's character and their enthusiasm toward learning.

It was managed by DINAMIKA Training Consultant Sdn Bhd which was founded by a group of graduates from International Islamic University Malaysia in 1993. With the spirit to serve the ummah through excellent early childhood education, Dzul Iman Kindergarten was existence.

DINAMIKA opened its own education centre with the formation of Pusat Pembelajaran Al Quran Dzul Iman in 1995. Furthermore, Dzul Iman diversified its service into Sekolah KAFA-Intergrasi in 1997, Dzul Iman Kindergarten in 2000 as well as Dzul Iman Daycare Centre in 2003.

In Tronoh, the Dzul Iman Kindergarten was located at No.1, Laluan Desa Tronoh Indah 1, Taman Seri Desa Tronoh, Tronoh Perak Darul Ridzuan. This kindergarten registered with company number IP0278083-P was placed in the strategic location which is easy for parent who working and stay in Tronoh area. Even though a lot of kindergarten was compete each other in Tronoh area such as Tadika Kemas, Tadika Pasti, and other private kindergarten, with the enrichment programmes that offered by the Dzul Iman kindergarten shown that they are the best among kindergarten in Tronoh.

Furthermore, this kindergarten also received international student which is expatriate kid from the nearest universities i.e. Universiti Teknologi Petronas and Universiti Teknologi Mara.

