
7年前 453次浏览 英国动物科学论文代写:收益率开始下降已关闭评论

美国的收益率开始下降,这被广泛认为是源于美国严格的金融方法限制了证券交易假说。20世纪20年代是一个繁荣的年代,但并不是一个特别的爆炸时期;在1924年和1927年期间,批发商品的成本一直保持不变,而且一直有温和的下降。一个不可否认的丰裕的领域是证券交易所。从1921年的低点到1929年的顶峰,股票价格已经上涨了四倍多。在1928年和1929年,美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)将投资利率上调,预期会放缓股票成本的快速上涨。这些较高的投资利率阻碍了高档消费在地区的消费,例如,发展和汽车购买,这些消费减少了一代。一些研究人员承认,20世纪20年代中期的住宿发展引发了大量的住宿供应,在1928和1929年的发展中出现了特别大的下降。因此,尽管股票市场的大轰鸣和大萧条是两个真正不同的场合,但股票成本的下降是一个变量,造成了美国正在进行和工作的减少。


The starting decrease in yield in the United States in the late spring of 1929 is broadly accepted to have originated from tight U.S. financial approach went for restricting securities exchange hypothesis. The 1920s had been a prosperous decade, yet not an extraordinary blast period; wholesale merchandise costs had remained about consistent during the time and there had been gentle subsidence in both 1924 and 1927. The one undeniable territory of abundance was the stock exchange. Stock prices had increased more than fourfold from the low-slung in 1921 to the crest came to in 1929. In 1928 and 1929, the Federal Reserve had brought investment rates up with expectations of moderating the fast ascent in stock costs. These higher investment rates discouraged premium touchy spending in zones, for example, development and car buys, which thusly lessened generation. A few researchers accept that a blast in lodging development in the mid-1920s prompted an overabundance supply of lodging and an especially huge drop in development in 1928 and 1929. Hence, although the Great Clatter of the stock market and the Great Depression are two truly separate occasions, the decrease in stock costs was one variable creating the decrease underway and work in the United States.

