
7年前 448次浏览 英国格拉斯哥论文代写:美国在越南的战争已关闭评论

美国在越南有一份艰苦的工作,但也在国内打了一场仗。一场反对战争的战争。在美国,反对战争的声音非常大。在战争期间,全国各地的民权运动和反战示威都在推动和拉扯政府。1970年,在尼克松总统进入柬埔寨之后,许多大学都举行了反对战争的抗议活动。在肯特州立大学举行的一次抗议活动中,四名学生被国民警卫队击毙。这一事件只在全国引起了更多的抗议。[2]在战争期间,有一项征兵运动,征兵年龄的人不学习或工作,必须签上他们的名字。然而,许多被征召的人都是贫穷或非裔美国人,从来没有机会学习或工作。马丁·路德·金,黑人牧师,民权运动的领袖,反对征兵,或者说是在当时被称为“征兵”;他们必须把美国人看作是奇怪的解放者。1959年,在法国和日本的占领以及中国的共产主义革命之前,越南人民宣布独立。[3]约翰·克里(John Kerry)是一名越战老兵,在服役期满后不久,他成为越战老兵反战的发言人。现任美国国务卿说;“你怎么让一个男人成为越南最后一个死的人?”你如何让一个男人成为最后一个为错误而死的人?[4]有许多人反对越南战争,包括许多士兵。


The United States had a tough job in Vietnam, but also fought a war at home. A war against the war. Opposition to the war, in the United States, was extremely large. Civil rights movement all over the country, and anti-war protests pushed and pulled the government during the war days. In 1970, following President Nixon’s move into Cambodia, many universities had protests against the war. During one of these protests, in the university of Kent State, four students were shot dead by the National Guard. This incident only, sparked more protests throughout the country.[2] During the war there was a conscription movement, where people of conscription age who were not studying or working had to sign their names to be drawled. However many of the people who were conscripted were poor or African-American and never had the chance to study or work. Martin Luther King, a black preacher and a leader in the civil-rights movement, spoke up against conscription, or as it was called at the time, the ‘draft’; “They must see Americans as strange liberators. The Vietnamese people proclaimed their own independence in 1954—in 1945 rather—after a combined French and Japanese occupation and before the communist revolution in China.”[3] John Kerry, a veteran of the Vietnam war, soon after his serving time joined and became the spokesman of Vietnam Veterans Against the War. The current United States Secretary of State said; "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"[4] There were many people who opposed the war in Vietnam, including many soldiers.

