
7年前 493次浏览 英国管理学论文代写:密钥共享协议已关闭评论



Key sharing protocols are used to assist distributing private session keys among the participants in communication networks. Protected communication between the sender and receiver is achievable on anxious public networks with these distributed session keys. Conversely, in badly created key distribution protocols many troubles will arise. For example, from the key sharing procedure a nasty attacker can evolve the session key. The genuine user does not know whether the received session key is right or wrong. And also the genuine user cannot prove the uniqueness of the other user. In communication security the designing secure key distribution protocols is a top precedence. The TC (trusted centre) provides a distributed session key to the both users in some key distribution protocols. There are totally three parties mixed up in this process. They are the two users and one trusted centre (TC). These three parties actively participate in session key transferences. These three protocols they are sender, receiver and one trusted centre (TC) are together called as three party key sharing protocols. But where as in two party protocols two parties are involved they are sender as well as receiver. These two sender and the receiver are pertained in session key exchanges. The three party key sharing protocols make use of challenge response mechanisms or timestamps in the classical cryptography.

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