
7年前 356次浏览 英国广告学论文代写:高等教育机构已关闭评论

主要是一个活物都具有质量在不同的角度(柯恩&比泽尔,2010)。随之而来的特征是要求人们在一个组织和在一起实现机构的愿望。这种情况变得更加顶部最典型的组织水平。在学术环境中,包括那些在水平的位置副校长,副校长,副主任,院长,头部和协调员(西蒂Akmar et al .,2010)。这些职位的复杂性需要大量的领导技巧。为此,有必要寻找新的领袖从选择组已被证明在高等教育机构的记录。尽管如此,关键需要加强学术领导力发展为了创建新的供应整个机构的领导人(瑞安,2008)。Hochel和威尔逊(2007)基于他们的重复一个组织为了达到卓越,最关键的一步是任命合适的人合适的位置。这是根据一项研究发现,从优秀到卓越,一个组织不仅要建立愿景和定义策略的成功,但也雇用合适的人合适的工作。这样做,步骤规范的发现潜在的领导者必须包括当前潜力的开发和培养未来的领导地位。这是一个挑战在高等教育在学术界很少被训练在就业选择。此外,大多数的高层管理人员负责选择从事其他职责(Spendlove Hochel & Wilson,2007年,2007年)。因此,缺乏实践和学术质量经理执行选定的被破坏。进一步,本文试图包括Kouzes提出的实践和波斯纳(1987,2002)提出的维度是:模型的方式,激发一个共同的理想,挑战的过程,使他人行为和鼓励的心(Kouzes和波斯纳,2002)。维度行为strategise的发展应有的领导人,会议要求呼吁有效的高等教育机构。因此,一个关键的概述学术领导人力资本开发,提高有效人力资源提供。


Leading is a quality that every living soul possesses in diverse perspective (Koen & Bitzer, 2010). With it comes the characteristics that require people in an organization to be and stay together to attain institutional aspiration. This situation becomes more atypical at the top most level of the organization. In an academic setting, the levels include those in the positions of vice chancellor, deputy vice chancellor, director and dean, head and coordinator (Siti Akmar et al., 2010). The complexities of these positions require a vast range of leadership skills. For this, there comes the need to search for new leader from a select group who has proven track record in the institutions of higher education. Nonetheless, there is the crucial need to enhance academic leadership development in order to create new supply of leaders throughout the institutions (Ryan, 2008).Hochel and Wilson (2007) based their reiteration that in order for an organisation to attain excellence, the most crucial step is to appoint the right person for the right position. This has been based on a study which discovered that to move from good to great, an organisation not only has to establish a vision and to define strategies for success, but also to hire the right person for the right job. In so doing, steps to regulate the discovery of potential leaders have to include the development and grooming of current potentials for leadership position in the future.This is a challenge in higher education as very few in academia are trained in employment selection. Furthermore, most of the top management personnel who are responsible in selection are engaged in other duties (Hochel & Wilson, 2007, Spendlove, 2007). Hence, poor practices are executed and the quality of academic managers selected is compromised. Further, this paper attempts to include the practices put forth by Kouzes and Posner (1987, 2002) in which the proposed dimensions are: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act and Encourage the Heart (Kouzes and Posner, 2002). The dimensions act to strategise the development of the rightful leaders by meeting the requirement that calls for effective institutions of higher education. Thus, a critical overview on academic leadership as human capital development that enhances effective human resources is provided.

