英国HRM essay代写 员工忠诚度

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有必要对员工忠诚度进行研究,研究哪些因素对员工忠诚度有影响。我们会找到打开成功企业大门的钥匙,因为根据过去的研究,员工的忠诚度与企业的结果有很强的关系。许多研究发现,员工忠诚度与客户服务之间存在着很强的联系(正相关),因此员工忠诚度从长期来看可以间接降低组织成本,提高企业的财务绩效。研究人员发现,保持忠诚的员工比那些没有忠诚员工的员工能带来更好的商业结果。增加忠诚的员工,组织实施策略,以确保提供更好的经营业绩,客户服务在行业和降低流动率的成本从长远来看,近年来,许多研究人员更加关注员工的忠诚,他们开始他们的研究,试图找出组件会影响员工忠诚度在不同的行业。有研究表明,员工满意度与员工忠诚度之间存在一定的关系。然而,随着千禧一代进入就业市场,员工满意度、人际信任和员工忠诚度的定义正在发生变化。此外,与过去的几十年相比,员工现在很少愿意在一个组织呆上几年。因此,保持员工的忠诚度在不断变化的世界中仍然是一个热门话题。2017年12月28日,彼得·k·默多克(Peter K. Murdock)在《员工忠诚的新现实》(the New Reality of Employee Loyalty)一书中写道,“千禧一代去年跳槽的可能性是非千禧一代的三倍,91%的人预计在目前的公司工作的时间不会超过3年”。越来越多的千禧一代进入就业市场,改变了就业市场的规则。组织意识到,在真实的商业世界中,保持员工的忠诚度比以前越来越难了,因为千禧一代改变了他们对满意度和忠诚度的心态。组织应该注意如何保持员工忠诚度,了解员工满意度和忠诚度在就业市场中的关系。为了解决如何保持员工忠诚度的问题,研究人员应该了解哪些因素会影响员工忠诚度。

英国HRM essay代写 员工忠诚度

It is necessary to study employee loyalty and study what elements have an impact on employee loyalty. We will find a key to open the door of successful business, because employee loyalty has a strong relationship with business outcome based on the past researches. Many studies have found a strong link (positive relationship) between employee loyalty and customer service, so employee loyalty could reduce organization cost and improve business financial performance in the long run indirectly . The researchers have found that maintaining loyal employees could deliver the better business results than those without loyal employees. To increase loyal employee, organization carry out strategies to make sure deliver better business performance, customer service among the industry and reduce the cost of turnover rate in the long run In recent years, many researchers pay more attention to employee loyalty and they start their research and try to figure out what components would have an impact on employee loyalty in different sectors. Some researchers have indicated that there is relationship between employee satisfaction and employee loyalty. However, as millennials run into job market, the definition of employee satisfaction, interpersonal trust, and employee loyalty is changing. In addition, compared with the past decades, employees are willing to stay in an organization for years rarely right now. So, maintaining employee loyalty is still a hot topic in the changing world. Peter K. Murdock reports that “Millennials were three times more likely than non-millennials to change jobs in the last year, and 91% do not expect to stay with their current organizations longer than three years” in The New Reality of Employee Loyalty, on Dec 28th, 2017. Increasing millennials run into job market and change the rule of the job market. Organizations realize that maintaining employee loyalty is harder and harder in the real business world than before, because millennials change their mindset of the satisfaction and loyalty. Organizations should pay attention to how to maintain employee loyalty and know the relationship between employee satisfaction and loyalty in the job market. To address the problem how to maintain employee loyalty, researchers should be aware of what components would influence on employee loyalty.

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