
7年前 339次浏览 英国计算机科学论文代写:学习者扮演已关闭评论



It is important that you perform a "Pastoral" role for your learners and that you are concerned with their well-being but you have to recognise the scope and limitations of your expertise. Bearing in mind that you have a duty of care to learners and that there are occasions when you cannot directly help them, identify who you might refer them to if, for example, they were emotionally distressed, or experiencing financial or immigration difficulties. There are internal and external agencies. For example, you might refer some learners who were struggling with English to the ESOL department within your organisation. On the other hand, if a learner informed you that he or she had been a victim of crime, you could refer them to an external agency such as Victim Support. Support may be available in your own organisation, through a learning support department or from Skills for Life specialists. Some organisations have specialist resources for supporting disabled learners or may be able to provide a learning support assistant.It may be appropriate to refer a learner for an Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) session either within your own organisation or to an external organisation. it is your responsibility to find out what support is available locally.

