
6年前 393次浏览 英国利兹论文代写:区域选择已关闭评论

我相信,做博士在加州大学圣芭芭拉将使我更深的区域选择主题,将提供更优化的环境扩大我的知识主体通过与我的上司和其他教师协会和交互专家部门。我选择加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的原因有三点。首先,这所大学提供了一个很棒的生物信息学和人工智能博士项目;第二,它拥有一个广受赞誉的紧密合作的实验室网络,这些实验室参与了许多受资助的生物信息学和人工智能研究。就我个人而言,我感兴趣的领域包括主动逻辑,元认知计算,简单的层次有序规划,以及DNA序列分析所有这些在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校都很常见。第三,最重要的是,教授喜欢Ambuj辛格博士,博士Tobias叫喊,泰伦斯·史密斯博士和马修博士土耳其一直热情地在生物信息学和人工智能领域的工作也影响了我很多。这些因素的存在导致加州大学圣芭芭拉是我的首选。如果我从加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)获得博士学位,我将有机会与他们交流,谁知道呢,甚至有机会与他们一起研究一个开创性的想法。当我在高中接触到经济学时,我意识到它是一门有趣的艺术和科学。这是一个由精确的规则、原则和公理所界定的领域,但以解释和分析的形式进行自我表现的余地很大。这方面的经济学让我非常感兴趣,我决定在经济学方面继续深造。


I believe, doing my Ph.D. in University of California, Santa Barbara will expose me to a deeper area of my chosen topic and will provide me a much optimized environment to expand my knowledge on the subject through associations and interactions with my supervisor and other faculty experts in the department. My reasons of choosing University of California, Santa Barbara are three. First, this university offers a wonderful Ph.D. program in Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence; two, it has an acclaimed network of closely working labs that engage in lots of sponsored research Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence. On my own, I am interested in doing something in areas like Active Logic, Metacognitive Computation, Simple Hierarchical Ordered Planning, and Sequence Analysis of DNA and all of these are very much there in University of California, Santa Barbara in some variant or other. And third, most importantly, presence of professors like Dr. Ambuj Singh, Dr. Tobias Hollerer, Dr. Terrence Smith, and Dr. Matthew Turk who have been passionately working in the field of Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence also influenced me a lot. The presence of these factors led to University of California, Santa Barbara being my preferred choice. If I do my Ph.D. from University of California, Santa Barbara, I will have the opportunity of interacting with them, and who knows, of even working with them on a path breaking idea.When introduced to economics in high school I realized that it interestingly qualified as a subject of both Arts and Science. It was an area defined by precise rules, principles and axioms and yet there was tremendous scope for self-expression in the form of interpretation and analysis. This facet of economics intrigued me very much and I decided to pursue further studies in Economics.

