
5年前 531次浏览 英国留学生essay代写:行为主义管理已关闭评论

最后,行为主义者行为管理方法已经被批评他们关注回报,有人建议,这样的关注可以减少学习者的内在动机来完成任务,换句话说,学习者学习不重视学习和良好行为本身,而且对他们收到的外部奖励行为和完成老师给他们的任务。因此,学习者不会成为一个自我激励的学习者,而是依赖于老师的认可和指导。综上所述,行为主义者的方法提出了一个基本的ABC模型,通过检查破坏行为发生的前因后果和行为的后果,来理解破坏行为。这种方法还为避免破坏性行为和一旦发生就加以处理的策略提供了一些建议。行为主义似乎是一种常用的行为管理方法;人类倾向于在他们的一般行为中使用强化,研究表明,绝大多数教师在他们的行为管理策略中使用行为主义原则(Wragg, 2001)。然而,鉴于这种方法的局限性,让教师了解不同的行为管理方法可能是有用的,这样才能满足每个学生的需要。


Finally, behaviourist approaches to behaviour management have been criticised for their focus on rewards and it has been suggested that such a focus can reduce a learner’s intrinsic motivation to complete tasks In other words, the learner learns not to value learning and good behaviour for its own sake, but for the extrinsic rewards they receive for behaving well and completing the tasks the teacher gives them. As such, the learner does not become a self-motivated learner, but is reliant on the approval and direction of the teacher.In conclusion, the behaviourist approach suggests a basic ABC model for understanding disruptive behaviour through an examination of the antecedents and the consequences of the behaviour within the context in which it occurs. This approach also provides a number of suggestions for strategies for avoiding disruptive behaviour and dealing with it once it occurs. It would seem that behaviourism is a commonly used behaviour management approach; humans tend to use reinforcement in their general behaviour and research has shown that the vast majority of teachers use behaviourist principles in their behaviour management strategies (Wragg, 2001). However, given the limitations of this approach, it would perhaps be useful for teachers to be aware of different approaches to behaviour management so that the needs of each individual student can be met.

