
6年前 374次浏览 英国留学生作业代写:资本主义生产方式转变已关闭评论



The fundamental contradiction can also lead to a shift toward a capitalist-dominated mode of production. Marx reveals that there is a fundamental contradiction between “socialized production and capitalist appropriation” (p. 709). With the development of capitalist markets, capitalists will be dominated by the pursuit of profits and productivity through increasing their exploitation of laborers. Specific efforts will be introduced by the capitalists to increase the productivity and reduce the costs of production. The capitalists are devoted to transforming the mode of production into socialized production that can lead to an increased productivity and profit. The new mode of production features a domination of capitalists in tapping into the power of socialized production in pursuing their profits. In criticizing capitalism, Marx and Engels also target institutions such as marriage and religion in the capitalist society. Marx and Engels believe that these institutions are inherently exploitative and oppressive, which serve to normalize and maintain practices of individual appropriation and exploitation. Specifically, Marx and Engels thinks that institutions such as marriage have been transformed into particular tools that institutionalize private ownership. For instance, marriage defines that men owns their wives as properties in the capitalist society. Similarly, institutions like religion also serve to advance and institutionalize ideas of private ownership and individual appropriation. Through attacking capitalist institutions, Marx and Engels mainly aim at depicting the capitalist mode of production as the shaping power that affects the formation of various institutions in justifying and institutionalizing individual appropriation and private ownership.

