
7年前 382次浏览 英国媒体学代写essay:诗人和哲学家已关闭评论

格瓦拉去世时,数百万人哀悼他的去世。诗人和哲学家们给他写了热情洋溢的悼词,音乐家们为他写了颂词,画家们以无数的英雄姿态呈现了他的肖像。在亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲,马克思主义的游击队员急于“革命”,他们的社会在战斗中高举着他的旗帜。而且,随着美国和西欧的年轻人在越南战争、种族偏见和社会正统观念的基础上奋起反抗,格瓦拉目中无人的形象成为他们强烈抗议政府政策的终极象征。格瓦拉的肉体可能已经消失,但他的精神永存;格瓦拉无处不在,无处不在。正如Jorge Castaneda在他对格瓦拉的评价中如此恰当地陈述的那样,“我们中的许多人今天都要把我们日常生活中为数不多的有吸引力和可取之处归功于六十年代,而切·格瓦拉把这个时代赋予了人性,如果不是这些特征,那就比任何人都好。


When Guevara died, millions mourned his passing. Poets and philosophers wrote impassioned eulogies to him, musicians composed tributes, and painters rendered his portrait in a myriad of heroic poses. Marxist guerillas in Asia, Africa and Latin America anxious to "revolutionize" their societies held his banner aloft as they went into battle. And, as the youth in the United States and Western Europe rose up against the established order over the Vietnam War, racial prejudice, and social orthodoxy, Guevara's defiant visage became the ultimate icon of their fervent protest on influencing government policies. Guevara's body might have vanished, but his spirit has lived on; Guevara was nowhere and everywhere at once. As Jorge Castaneda so aptly states in his evaluation of Guevara, "Many of us today owe the few attractive and redeeming features of our daily existence to the sixties, and Che Guevara personifies the era, if not the traits, better than anyone

