
7年前 435次浏览 英国人力资源代写论文:家庭作业的研究已关闭评论

研究已经完成,决定什么正确的家庭作业是每晚不同年龄组。根据一项由美国大都会人寿保险的全国性调查,85%的家长认为他们的孩子是他们的老师布置的作业适量(:,2008)。那是多少?国家PTA规定孩子应该在K-2年级作业量在10-20分钟,3-6年级30-60分钟,高中的学生能平均30分钟每科(Cooper,2006)。教育工作者普遍认为每晚作业量应该是每年级10分钟。使用这个公式,一个二年级的孩子平均每晚需要做20分钟的家庭作业。Cooper认为,孩子对自己通过自学可以学到多少有限制。在某种程度上,福利减少和成本上升(戴维斯,2000)“适当的家庭作业被分配给它的最重要的因素之一,它是最有好处的唯一的方式,家庭作业将是任何好处的孩子是如果它是做。有原因孩子可能不做作业。教师可以布置太多的作业每天晚上,或孩子的重复无聊。这些原因可能导致学生怨恨,而不是完成作业。教师应该尝试提供不同类型的活动,特别是在年轻的年级,所以孩子会想完成它。这个品种可以让孩子使用他们的创造力,并扩大在课堂上教的主题,那一周。教师还可以使用其他的策略,比如给晚上做家庭作业只有1个主题,给周包代替日常作业,设置作业时间的限制,或给作业提前更长的到期日期(瓦特洛特,2009节)。教师也有家长的支持也是很重要的。为了完成作业,积极的结果,教师、学生和家长需要一个团队的努力,(Hong & Milgram,2000、113)。父母是家里的工具,这将有助于鼓励孩子做他们的工作,使他们能在学校里做得很好。他们可以是那些提供支持的孩子需要成功。


Research has been done, to decide what the correct amount of homework is each night for different age groups. According to a national study performed by MetLife, 85% of parents feel that their child is assigned the right amount of homework by their teacher (Halevy, 2008). What is that amount? The National PTA states that children homework amounts should be 10-20 minutes in grades K-2, 30-60 minutes in grades 3-6, and high school students can average 30 minutes per subject (Cooper, 2006). It is a common belief among educators that the amount of homework should be 10 minutes per grade level per night. Using that formula, a child in second grade would need to do 20 minutes of homework on average a night. Cooper believes "children have a limit as to how much a child can learn through self- study. At some point the benefits diminish and the costs rise (Davis, 2000)." The right amount of homework being assigned can be one of the most important factors for it to have the most benefit.The only way homework will be any benefit to the child is if it is done. There are reasons a child may not be doing the homework. The teacher may be assigning too much homework each night, or the child is bored by its repetitiveness. These reasons can cause the student to resent it and not complete the assignment. A teacher should try to provide different types of activities, especially in younger grades, so the child will want to complete it. This variety can allow the child to use their creativity, and expand on topics that were taught in the classroom that week. Teachers can also use other strategies such as giving only 1 subject of homework a night, giving weekly packets instead of daily assignments, setting time limits on the assignments, or giving the assignments in advance with longer due dates (Vatterott, 2009, p.134). It is also important for teachers to have support from the parents. In order to have positive results with homework, teachers, students and parents need to use a team effort (Hong & Milgram, 2000, p.113). A parent is the tool at home, which will help encourage the child to do their work so they can do well in school. They can be the ones to provide the support the child needs to be successful.

