
7年前 385次浏览 英国圣安德鲁斯大学论文代写:提高通信已关闭评论

学校有很多方法,可以提高通信(LaBahn,2007),比如,告诉家人例程和向他们提供具体的方法可以帮助在家为父母提供了结构化的机会参与孩子的教育(Patrikakou,2008)。最重要的父母能为孩子做教育是与老师保持联系。老师经常可以让家长了解学生的进步,学校要求,学校活动(摆渡船,2009)。老师是父进程和子进程之间的桥教育;因此,家长到学校寻找答案关于学习问题(摆渡船,2009)。那座桥将帮助父母与孩子的老师保持联系,使他们获得监控课堂活动,与老师们的努力。一项由Berthelsen &沃克(2008)解释说,五项被用来评估父母与他们的孩子的学校项目。许多父母可能参加的活动中,孩子的学校被确定,家长可以给是的/不回应:“在这个学期,你一个”——“联系孩子的老师”;“访问孩子的阶级”,“跟其他孩子的父母在学校”,“参加了学校活动的孩子”,和“自愿在教室里或帮助类偏移”。参与三个或更多的活动是由76%的家长表示。父母是最可能和其他家长在学校(92%)或访问孩子的课堂(87%),和在教室里最不可能自愿或帮助类偏移(48%)。


There are many ways that a school can improve communication (LaBahn, 2007) such as, informing families about routines and providing them with specific ways they can help at home provides parents with structured opportunities to participate in their child's education (Patrikakou, 2008). The most important thing a parent can do for their child education is stay in contact with the teacher. The teacher can keep parents regularly informed about student progress, school requirements, and school events (Wherry, 2009). The teacher is the bridge between the parent and the child education; therefore, parents look to the school for answers about learning issues (Wherry, 2009). That bridge will help parents stay connected with the child's teacher, enable them access to monitor classroom activities, and correspond with the efforts of the teachers.A study conducted by Berthelsen & Walker (2008) explained that five items were used to assess parents' contact with their child's school program. A number of activities in which parents may have participated at their child's school were identified to which parents could give a yes/no response: "During this school term, have you …"-"contacted child's teacher"; "visited child's class"; "talked to parents of other children at the school"; "attended a school event in which your child participated"; and "volunteered in the classroom or helped with a class excursion". Engagement in three or more activities was indicated by 76% of parents. Parents were most likely to have talked with other parents at the school (92%) or visited the child's classroom (87%), and least likely to have volunteered in the classroom or helped with a class excursion (48%).

