
7年前 429次浏览 英国西苏格兰大学论文代写:专业的发展计划已关闭评论

就我的工作而言,我在过去的工作中遇到了不同的经验,我想用它们来制定一个专业的发展计划。我仍然记得我在市政府的陪审员办公室工作的时候。起初,我处理的所有记录的地段调查和评估不同性质的在我们的城市。更多的是纸品和记录保存。这是一个不错的工作,但我仍然意识到,除此之外,还有其他的事情,我需要知道和学习,以更好地欣赏我的工作。我想更灵活,所以,我开始学习和了解细节,甚至要求我的合作伙伴教我,他们的任务,所以我可以帮助他们,如果他们需要一个。后来,当办公室指派我处理现场检查的实际位置的属性进行评估,我立即接受它,因为我知道这是一个额外的学习经验,我,虽然我仍然在同一部门。轮换到不同的项目或工作是另一个步骤,所以我可以朝着改变前进。 这是一个正确的决定,因为我也喜欢野外工作。如果有新房子,建筑物或其他财产需要评估的税务目的,我们去了他们的位置。除了做我的工作之外,我还可以认识不同的人,可以看到我们社区的不同领域。


In terms of my work, I have encountered different experiences from my past jobs and I want to use them in making a professional development plan. I can still remember when I was still working as an employee at the Assessors' Office in our municipality. At first, I was handling all the records of the lot surveys and assessment of different properties in our town. It was more of paper works and record keeping. It was a nice job but still, I realized that aside from that, there are other things that I need to know and learn to better appreciate my job. I want to be more flexible and so, I started on studying and understanding the details and even asked my co-employees to teach me also their task so I can assist them if ever they need one. Later on, when the office assigned me to handle the onsite checking of the actual locations of the properties for assessment, I immediately accept it because I know that it is an additional learning experience for me, though I am still with the same department. Rotation to a different project or job is another step so I can move forward towards change.It was a correct decision 'coz I also enjoyed the field work. If there are new houses, buildings or other properties needed to be assessed for tax purposes, we went to their location. Aside from doing my job, I was able to meet different kinds of people and got to see the different areas of our community.

