
8 年前 424次浏览 英国土木工程论文代写:障碍是语言差异已关闭评论

使家长参与的另一个障碍是语言差异。大约有20%的美国学生正在学习英语作为第二或其他语言,这些学生中超过40%是移民(赖特)。非英语的父母会发现与他们的孩子交流的老师是很困难的。南希Hyslop(2000)指出许多非英语家长经验低自尊,文化冲击和误解。很多家长困惑他们的角色在教育和如何帮助他们的孩子。他们缺乏知识在本地系统是如何运作的,通常他们不知道去哪里的信息与他们的孩子的教育。近年来随着文化和语言多样性的家庭,家庭和学校环境可能不同,有时不同的信仰对家长参与的适当的程度和性质(Patrikakaou,2008)。西班牙裔有时遇到歧视,更大的社会不鼓励他们参与事件在他们孩子的学校。父母不说英语可能不了解时事通讯,传单,或扬声器在会议上(PTA,2009)。即使一个人没有经历过歧视,歧视有担心可能发生。非英语的父母想要同样的结果尽可能多的说英语的父母,这是为他们的孩子接受教育,让他们有一个更好的未来。即使语言差异发生,一个老师的意愿或试图说家里的语言可以传达关心学生和家长,这可以鼓励父母意愿感到舒适足以说英语,可以提高沟通和融洽的可能性。(Risko & Walker-Dalhouse,2009)。为了让学校超越这些障碍,需要有家长参与实施教育计划。


Another barrier that prevents parental involvement is language differences. Approximately 20% of U.S. students are learning English as a second or other language, of these students over 40% are immigrants (Wright). Non-English speaking parents may find that it is difficult communicating with their child's teachers. Nancy Hyslop (2000) stated many Non-English parents experience low self-esteem, culture shock, and misconceptions. Many of these parents are confused about their roles in education and how to help their children. They lack knowledge on how local systems operate and very often they do not know where to go for information pertaining to their child's education. In recent years with the increasing cultural and linguistic diversity of families, the home and school environments may hold different and sometimes diverging beliefs about the appropriate degree and nature of parent involvement (Patrikakaou, 2008).Hispanics sometimes encounter discrimination by the larger society which discourages them from getting involved in events at their child's school. Parents who do not speak English may not understand newsletters, fliers, or speakers at meetings (PTA, 2009). Even if one has not experienced discrimination, there is a fear that discrimination could happen. Non-English speaking parents want the same end result as many English speaking parents, which is for their child to receive an education that will allow them have a better future. Even when language differences occur, a teacher's willingness or attempt to speak the home language can convey care about the students and parents, and this willingness can encourage parents to feel comfortable enough to speak in English and can enhance possibilities for communication and rapport. (Risko & Walker-Dalhouse, 2009). In order for the schools to reach beyond these barriers, there needs to be parental involvement implemented into the education program.

